Professor Adam Szyszka spoke about his personal experience of 2 decades of economic transition in Poland, development of entrepreneurial skills, and his road to the truly passionate life at the edge of business and academia. He shared with us some hints about the role of psychology in financial world and in every day decision making.
Adam Szyszka, Ph.D. is a tenure professor of economics with vast international experience and a successful Polish businessman. He is a professor of finance at the Warsaw School of Economics and previously for many years held a position at the Poznan University of Economics. He received his tenure professorship only at the age of 39, being one of the youngest Polish economist reaching this high-level. Professor Szyszka was the Fulbright Doctoral Scholar and later the Kosciuszko Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at the Columbia University in New York.
He participated in seminars and lectured at a number of internationally known institutions of higher education including Harvard Business School, Freie Universitaet in Berlin, Tsinghua University in Beijing, and the University of Adelaide in Australia. On the academic level, he specializes in behavioral finance, stock market (in)efficiency, asset pricing, and the relations between financial sector and the real economy. On the business level, he was a consultant to PricewaterhouseCoopers, an investment banker in Bank Millennium, and a partner in a consulting firm AT INVEST, which he co-founded.
Currently he is also engaged in private equity sector (both mature and start-up businesses) as well as in real-estate developments (retail, office and hotel projects in Poznan & Warsaw and at the Baltic coast – working with Hilton and Marriott brands).